In-Depth Proofreading and editing
Many times, especially with larger documents, more in-depth proofreading and editing is required to improve readability. When a document needs a “copy edit,” it usually needs an in-depth edit. This isn’t as intense as a rewrite, which involves changing large portions, adding additional text, and possibly doing a complete overhaul of the material.
Here are the things I look out for when editing:
A poorly-worded sentence can pull the reader out of the story, making them think, “Huh?” You want your reader engrossed by your story, not tripping up on awkward phrases.
Are the names/places spelled the same? Are headers and chapter titles formatted the same?
Spelling, punctuation, grammar, syntax. Are periods safely tucked inside quotation marks? Is who/whom used correctly?
Does the story make sense? Did it say they were swimming in the pool, but now they are suddenly in the car?
Who Needs In-Depth Proofreading and Editing?
An in-depth edit is the preferred edit for authors of full-length novels, for any document written by a non-native speaker, or for when a document needs to be improved overall, perhaps to sound more professional, etc. This edit includes catching errors, improving readability (so the reader doesn’t get tripped-up on any awkward sentences), and offering suggestions when needed. Usually, if you haven’t had your document edited yet, it is going to need an in-depth edit to smooth things out (this includes social media posts).
How Does It Work?
I edit in Word, using the track changes feature. Upon completion, you will receive two files: a track changes version, so you can see my edits and comments, and a final clean version, with all edits accepted and integrated into the text.
Rate: $.025/word
Bulk pricing is available for any document over 60K words.
Contact me for a quote!
Have a project? Send me the details.
Include the word count and the service you prefer: in-depth editing or basic proofreading. If you have a strict deadline you are working in, please include that as well. I’ll message you back with pricing and a delivery date.